Top Suggestions to solve Bluestacks stuck at initializing screen issue on your Windows PC/Laptop We had gathered together some of the popular suggestion and solution that you can try once you face this issue. One such issue is bluestacks stuck on loading. Sometimes this giant software creates issues with your PC. This is with the help of an app player called BlueStacks. There are millions of people using android apps and games on a PC without having an android device. No smartphones, tablets were capable of doing all the stuffs that a computer do. When we comment about the usage of phones it had became a necessity in talking about size, charge and other stuffs about the phone.Įven though many technologies had arrived in the market, none of them were capable of replacing PC/Laptop. Some uses smart phones for their business work and others in craze of playing games. Functioning became smarter and smarter and we call it as smart phone. As years passed after it’s discovery, mobile phones advanced from it’s minute size to the size of our palm and even bigger.